This book tells the story of various conservation initiatives in Sumatra, explained directly by actors in community empowerment and saving forests and animals.
the story about the pulse which flows the life to the Sumatran jungle center, about the great spirit of community who lives on the edge of Sumatan jungle. And also about the wild wilderness that saves all kinds of life.
This Photo caption book was obtained from the learning outcomes of TFCA-S partners through parallel training on caption writing and photography. Through the capacity building provided, participants working at the grassroots in the Challenge are able to capture their field photos and write interesting captions about these photos. Photographs and captions recorded are real field conditions, which the author underwent in carrying out his conservation work in saving the landscape of the National Park.
Women in villages on the edge of the forest are often perceived as oppressed people subject to patriarchal culture, plain, simple and innocent. But not with a group of extraordinary women in Lubuk Beringin Hamlet, on the outskirts of the Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), who with their simplicity dispelled myths, and became reliable organizers who were able to withstand the flow of capital out of the village for various common needs.
Tells the story of a group of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) in Klukup Hamlet, Dwi Karya Bakti Village, Pelepat District, Bungo Regency, Jambi Province with the values they believe in, the customs that are followed and upheld; where they highly uphold the dignity of women, married women honor their husbands, young people are governed by customs that protect their behavior, wisdom in protecting nature and living in harmony in balance.
Bececakop is a part of the stories, arts, culture, local wisdom or traditions of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) community which is able to be documented.
Where we obtained it from 6 locations (group) of Merangin and Bungo Regency precisely from the narrative of the group’s leader, as well as elders that considered to know pretty good about the their late parents’ history including culture.
This booklet tries to explore people's lives related to the development of local scale electrical energy. What is the actual management method carried out by the community, are there any impacts that arise along with the development of power plants, why the community can arrive at the idea of building a power plant and other questions that still need answers.
How the parties recognition for the implementation of Forestry Minister Regulation No. P.38/Menhut-II/2009 concerning on Standards and Guidelines for Performance Assessment of Sustainable Production Forest Management and Timber Legality Verification for Permit Holders or Private Forest?
How far this policy is implemented in field? How the parties attitude to this policy? Then, is there a way out of the forest management dilemma? Find those answers in this book