PUNDI SUMATRA (Association for the Independence of Sumatran Civil Society) is a community foundation  which was founded in 2006, with a mandate to support communities to be able to manage and benefit from natural resource management in a sustainable manner. The main focus now is inclusive economic development for responsibly managed forest and agricultural commodities in Sumatra.


Field Facilitator

Posisi  : Field Facilitator (Code : FL)
Tipe Kontrak  : Full Time
Penempatan  : Provinsi Jambi

Carry out intensive assistance to the community, participate in various activities involving assisted communities, organize and strengthen local institutions, coordinate at the Village, District and other relevant parties, will work full time.


  1. Male / Female maximum age of 28 years
  2. Minimum S-1 with a background in various disciplines (social science is preferred) and/or equivalent experience.
  3. Have organizational experience.
  4. Have good communication skills, have an interest and concern for social issues.
  5. Have initiative in certain situations, able to work independently and also in a team.
  6. Have good writing skills.
  7. Can drive a 2-wheeled vehicle.


  • Application letter
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) and KTP
  • Diplomas and Grade Transcripts
  • Letter of reference working at a previous institution (for those who already have experience)
  • If you are declared to have passed the selection, you must submit a health certificate and a letter of good behavior 

Kirimkan CV Anda melalui link di bawah atau dapat mengirimkan langsung dengan mencantumkan kode yang diminati ditujukan kepada :

Direktur Program – SSS PUNDI SUMATRA
Jl. Jendral A Thalib RT 26 No 06
Kelurahan Simpang IV Sipin
Kec. Telanaipura, Jambi 36124
(Cafe Gadamala)

Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 03 Januari 2025.


Kandidat terpilih akan melalui proses rekrutmen yang terdiri dari tahapan;

  1. Seleksi Administrasi
  2. Interview Online/Offline
  3. Negosiasi bagi kandidat yang terpilih


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